BVA/KC Eye Testing

We are now offering dedicated BVA eye test clinics on Wednesday mornings from September. Please book the appointment on-line via the link below.

Booking availability

Please note that there is a high demand for BVA eye testing and our eye tests slots do get booked up well in advance. We regret that we do not operate a waiting list but recommend re-checking for availability online as appointments can become available due to cancellations.

Your Eye Scheme appointment

Please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time so the appropriate eye drops can be given to your dog

It is essential that you bring your KC registration certificate or ISDS certificate.

Failure to bring these documents will mean that the test result cannot be given and an additional fee will be charged for postage and administration.

All dogs, including puppies, need a microchip implanted before the examination.

Kennel Club registration certificate
ISDS registration certificate

About the Eye Scheme

The Eye Scheme is run by the British Veterinary Association (BVA), the Kennel Club (KC) and the International Sheep Dog Society (ISDS) working together to identify inherited and non-inherited eye disease in dogs and puppies.

Eye examinations are carried out by appointed eye panellists and the results of the examinations should then be used to inform breeding programmes. Mike Rhodes is a member of the BVA/KC/ISDS panel.

There are many types of eye disease, both congenital (born with or develop soon after birth) or non congenital (developing later in life) which can have a serious impact on a dog's welfare, causing pain, blindness or the need for lifelong medication. By testing dogs before breeding and throughout their lives we can help reduce the occurrence of these diseases.

For more information on eye testing please visit the British Veterinary Association's website.

BVA/KC/ISDS eye test fees inclusive of VAT

(Please note these fees are set by the BVA)

1 dog£69.50
Extra dog same owner£62.00
Group testing (25 or more)£49.00
Gonioscopy per dog£69.50
Gonioscopy at same time as eye test£62.00
Gonioscopy repeat (presenting previous Certificate) separate£62.00
Gonioscopy repeat (presenting previous Certificate) at same time as eye test£54.00
Litter screen 1-3 puppies£44.00
Per puppy thereafter£13.50 per puppy
Duplicate copy of certificate£44.00
Incorrect paperwork admin fee£15.00